Donnerstag, 8. März 2012

Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Financial News

One of the troubles that cell phone users is experiencing- when they accidently put their cell phone aside on the pocket of their jeans which end up in the wash or drop into a container having a liquid which caused for the cell phone to be ruined. Well, technology firm HzO could be about to come to your rescue.
The company has made a treatment that waterproofs every “nook and cranny” of your beloved phone by coating its innards with a “nano-thin film made up of highly effective, water-repelling properties.”According to Hypo Venture Capital Zurich Financial News, the technology was showcased at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas this month, where a range of mobiles dealt with the Water block technology were given a public dunking. HzO asserts that the said treatment will be invisible so it will not mess the look of your sleek handset up, but will protect it should the worst happen as you are visiting the public loos. The technology will probably be of interest to a range of other providers. For instance, in creating headphones for swimmers, or for digital camera designers trying to fix the humidity malfunction that regularly strikes amateur photographers at the wrong moment.
It can also be applied to other technology slightly less prone to taking a dip, including iPods, tablets and even hearing aids. HzO is currently in talks with a number of manufacturers interested in the waterproofing technology.

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